Saturday, May 2, 2009

Screen Toaster

ScreenToaster was a very great piece of software that has a great deal of possibilites. 
  • The website for screentoaster is here 
  • The great thing about this site is that it's incredibly easy to use and doesn't require any type of download. 
  • You can simply go to the site and click record. 
  • The one thing that i found about the site was that if you're running a 64 bit OS it doesn't work. 
  • My computer has that type of OS and it wouldn't work but when i tried it on our desktop computer at home that runs Windows vista 32 it worked just fine. 
  • Here is the video we made using screentoaster. 
  • An example of something that can be done is shown in the video.
  • Another example could be using this software to make up video lesson plans so that they can be viewed by a substitute teacher. 

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunate on the 64-bit, but I'm sure they'll get that figured out. Where is your team link (one bullet states 'here is the video'?
